What’s In My Control?

Day 208 of 365 – One of my step dads favorite places to visit is Labyrinth Canyon in Green River, Utah.  He has made several trips with friends, or by himself, to float the river in his kayak and camp along the riverbank.  A few summers ago, my mom reluctantly agreed to do this crazy adventure with him…and what an adventure it turned out to be.  

About 30 minutes after they unloaded the kayaks and started down the river, a massive storm came upon them.  The rain fell from the sky in an absolute torrential downpour, drenching them completely through to their skin.  The thunder was so loud that it caused the boat to shake.  The lightening was so close, striking down all around them.  It was incredibly dangerous to be out on the water, they needed shelter, a protective covering from the storm.  They were very limited on where they could pull off along the river, but they finally found a spot.  They huddled together on a log with nothing but a plastic poncho to hold over their heads.  It certainly wasn’t much for shelter but it was all they had, within their control, in that moment. The storm continued on for another 20 minutes and then, as often happens after the chaos subsides, there in the sky appeared the most beautiful rainbow.  

Storms reveal how small & minuscule we really are.  They can be downright frightening, shake us to the core, and overwhelm us with fear.  A person has absolutely no control over a storm, but as hard and scary as they are, they propel us to run to a place of safety and protection.   

I want to encourage you to do the same in this present day COVID-19 “storm“ we are facing.  Run towards God like never before.  Stay put in his presence.  He alone is your place of safety, your protective covering, and your shield.  Focusing on all that’s outside your control can create overwhelming stress, anxiety, and fear.  And. There. Is. So. Much. Out. Of. Our. Control.  It’s when you choose to fix your eyes on Jesus, find refuge in Him, release what’s out of your control to Him, and focus your thoughts/efforts on what is in your ability to control that you experience peace, rest, joy, and freedom.

An optional activity if it feels helpful:

1) Take out a piece of paper. 

2) Draw a rectangle in the center (large enough to write inside).  

3) Write anything you can think of, pertaining to your current circumstances, that feels outside your control on the white space AROUND the rectangle.  

4) Write everything you can control INSIDE the rectangle.  

5) Check in daily with your thoughts and emotions to see if you are living inside or outside that space.  If outside it, then surrender the heavy burdens to the Lord, and get back in the place you belong. 

Psalm 18:1-2 – “I love you, Lord; you are my strength.  The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.  He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.”

Isaiah 25:4b – “But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O Lord, a tower of refuge to the needy in distress. You are a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat.” 

Please reach out to schedule a session if needed.  Sometimes having an outside person to process things with can be so beneficial!  Financial hardship discount available for those in need of it.


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